Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ween in Colorado! awesome sound, going down

First off, I had never been to Colorado.
This place has GREEN grass that is always wet in the mornings, doesn't break easily, and smells really really good! The trees are the tallest I have ever seen in my life and the mountains!!!!! oh man, the mountains were beautiful and looked fake!!!!

As a Texas gal, I don't think life could've gotten any better this past Labor Day weekend. It was definitely the best show I had ever been to. The Red Rocks Ampitheater was amazing too. I couldn't believe my eyes when we drove closer to the theater for some tailgating fun and pre-gaming in the parking lot. Man!!!! I was at a loss with words.

Ween is amazing live! I was definitely schooled while staying with a friend of some friends on what songs are great and what songs are absolutely amazing.

The Meat Puppets opened up for Ween and I must say, I was a little impressed by their ability to rock out. They went off! I think they sounded great on that stage and was a good act to open for Ween.

On to Ween - first off, amazing! Their light show alone was ridiculous and the sound was clear and precise. I heard them from three different areas in the amphitheater - 5th row, 33rd row, and house top. It was a bit windy up at the top so the sound would get carried away into the Denver skyline but I didn't mind. The best sound was defintiely 33rd row. The best view was house top where you could see the skyline and Ween making the crowd move and pump their arms in the air. The drummer was really great! I learned that their set list was all over the map and had many songs from The Pod being played. The newer stuff was my favorite for sure and was anticipating Awesome Sound song but it made the set list. The encore was amazing and fog, fog everywhere!!!!!

I wish I had my camera to have taken pictures but before the show I ran off into the restricted area of the red rocks and had some fun taking in the fresh air and red scenery while my friend played his newly purchased 1970's $20 clarinet. I was sad my camera and phone was locked in the car we hitched a ride in because everyone was in the venue already holding it down on row 33.

Ween amazed me and I think I am now a big time fan of their music. I was happy to have seen them live before really diving deep into their albums. After all if they ain't good live then...well, luckily Ween was EXCELLENT live!

I need to catch Ween if ever they come have another tour again (I heard many fans at the show say this was their last one). I can definitely tell you I will be back in Colorado again for sure. That place is addicting.

Long live Ween!

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