Tuesday, February 2, 2010

SXSW RSVP Round 1 - 5 parties to RSVP to

So SouthXSouthwest is around the corner and approaching fast. I cannot believe we already made it through 2 days of February!

I have been receiving emails, tweets, texts, and verbal invitations to parties, shows, and free events all over Austin. I wanted to be able to give you a heads up on some of the stuff I have received and make sure you get yourself informed and signed up for these parties.
Now most parties are RSVP only, some aren't, some require you to just show up day/night of, and others have you pick up fancy passes to attend. Either way, click the link, email and/or follow the instructions I give you to get yourself at some of the best and coolest SXSW parties now.  (warning: if you wait til the last minute or week of SXSW these parties will hit capacity and will not allow you entry if you are not on the list).

March 13th 6pm-8pm
Who: Mozilla has a party?! Yes indeed - RSVP here.
Where: @The Cedar Door - 201 Brazos St
$: None - RSVP
What's promised:  Drinks, mingling, and find out what's new for Mozilla this yr. (First 250 guests only allowd entry).
Should I get there early: Yup

March 14th 10pm - 1am
Who: Mashable MashBash SXSWi
Where: @Buffalo Billiards
$: None - You must RSVP to this one. Also, be sure you know who you are taking. They ask for names, Twitter handle, and emails of those attending.
What's promised: This is sponsored by Sony & Cliqset. 3 hour open bar, lost of networking, and even Wi's set up. Lots of prizes too.

March 15th 9pm - 2am
Who: SXSW10 Geeky Beach Party
Where: @Aces Lounge
$: None - RSVP here. As of this post it says Early Bird passes are sold out (which were free) but I will update you on when they release more tickets. They will release more spots too. Aces is huge!
What's promised: Free drinks, swag, and networking with other geeks

March 16th 8pm - 2am
Who: Art Disaster No. 10
Where: @Beauty Bar
$: None but you gotta RSVP and get your name on the list. This show will reach capacity so show up early!
What's promised: Lots of good bands like Sunset, Bright Light Social Hour, and Lachi (and more bands). No word of free drinks.
Here's a flyer for this show:
March 18th 12pm - 7pm Day Show!
Who: Consequence of Sound & Sled Island's SXSW Day Party
Where: @The Compound
$: Just RSVP
What's promised: A nice lineup that is not announced yet.

RSVP if you wanna come hang out at all the cool free parties!

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